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Courses of Interest:
Information Technology
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IT Skills
Software Development
Java 2 Programming
An Overview of Spring
Arrays and the Java Collection Framework
Aspect-oriented Programming with Spring
Building Jar Files for Java Libraries
Building User Interfaces with JSF
Building Web Applications with JSP
Building Web Services with Java
Classes and Objects in Java
Connecting to and Querying Databases With JDBC
Control Structures in Java
Defensive Programming in Java
Develop Microservices with Java and Spring Cloud
Developing Applications Using Java Spring
Encapsulating Business Logic with Jakarta Enterprise Beans
Getting Started with Java Programming
Handling Errors with Exceptions
HTTP Requests in Java
Integrating with Databases Using JPA and Hibernate
Interactive Java Using JShell
Introduction to Java EE 6
Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection in Spring
Java Database Connectivity Using JDBC
Java Hibernate
Java Hibernate with Oracle 12c
Java Multi-Tenant Cloud Programming Fundamentals
Java Persistence API with Hibernate
Java Reactive Programming
Java SE 7 New Features
Java SE9 Development
Mapping Relationships Using Inheritance and Interfaces
Modeling Entities Using Classes and Objects
Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions
Object Serialization and JSON Parsing in Java
Object-Oriented Programming in Java
Parameterize Types Using Generics
Processing Batch Data with Spring Batch
Reflection for Runtime Inspection
Using Akka
Working with Java SE 6
Working with Java SE 7
Working with Spring Data JDBC
Working with Spring Data JPA