AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02)
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Application Containers
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: AWS & Business Continuity
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Cryptography
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Data Availability
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Database & EBS Volume Management
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Directory Services
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: DNS Name Resolution
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: EC2 Instance Deployment & Sizing
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: EC2 Instance Management
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Identity & Access Management
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Management Tools
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Managing AWS Costs
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Monitoring AWS
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Network Configuration
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Network Security
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Storage Management
AWS SysOps Associate 2021: VPNs & Data Privacy

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Application Containers

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Application Containers

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize how application components can run within the boundary of an application container
  • use Docker in Linux to work with application containers
  • create a container registry in AWS
  • deploy containers in AWS
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Modern applications are broken into smaller components, or microservices, which collectively comprise a larger application. Many of these microservices come in the form of containerized applications. Through this course, you値l explore application containers and how they serve as a logical boundary for running applications or application components. Examine how containers store app binaries, libraries, and configuration files and do not contain operating systems. You'll then learn more about managing Docker containers on a Linux host and container images in an AWS container registry. You'll wrap up by discovering how to deploy containers in AWS using the Elastic Container Service (ECS). After you are done with this course, you'll be able to manage and deploy containers in the AWS cloud. Further, you'll be closer to preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: AWS & Business Continuity

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: AWS & Business Continuity

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • define strategies to ensure business continuity and disaster recovery in the event of disruptions
  • recognize how proactive planning can reduce incident response time
  • define ways in which high availability can be achieved in AWS
  • recognize how load balancing can improve application performance and resiliency to downtime
  • configure Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  • distinguish between horizontal and vertical scaling
  • manage AWS Auto Scaling groups
  • manage Auto Scaling plans
  • create RDS database replicas
  • create Amazon Aurora database replicas
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Business continuity ensures that business processes continue in the event of a disruption. This process includes disaster recovery planning, which strives to reduce downtime and data loss, and incident response plan implementation, which helps minimize impacts during an incident. In this course, you'll review both aforementioned methods before learning how to define AWS methods for achieving high availability, implementing load balancing, identifying horizontal and vertical scaling, and configuring AWS Auto Scaling. As you advance, you'll configure database replicas for high availability. At the end of the course, you'll be able to confidently use AWS features to ensure business continuity in the case of a disaster. You'll also be more prepared for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Cryptography

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Cryptography

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • define how cryptography secures digital computing environments
  • outline how PKI certificates secure computing environments
  • describe how AWS Certificate Manager provides PKI services in AWS
  • provision a private CA
  • provision private PKI certificates
  • provision public PKI certificates
  • manage AWS KMS
  • enable HTTPS for an AWS web application
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Cryptography is used to secure sensitive information through algorithms that can encrypt or scramble data to ensure data integrity and authentication (hashing algorithms). Delve deeper into cryptography and surrounding concepts through this course. Begin by learning more about symmetric and asymmetric encryption before moving on to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). You'll then explore the PKI hierarchy and certificate contents along with the certificate lifecycle. Next, you値l discover how to work with AWS Certificate Manager to create a private CA and provision certificates. You'll wrap this course up by getting a closer look at the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). Once you're done with this course, you'll be able to secure resources in the AWS cloud using cryptography and PKI. Moreover, you'll also be closer to preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Data Availability

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Data Availability

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • list backup and restore strategies
  • enable data protection using AWS Backup
  • create various types of AWS snapshots
  • enable database backup and restores
  • work with S3 bucket versioning
  • work with S3 bucket lifecycle rules
  • enable S3 bucket replication
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Data availability ensures that the data essential to running a business is accessible even in times of disruption. Safeguarding the availability of data is as much a security concern as confidentiality and integrity are. Use this course to become acclimatized with the various backup and restore terminologies and strategies available through AWS. You'll start with a theoretical overview before moving on to the practical tasks of configuring AWS backups, creating various types of AWS resource snapshots, and implementing S3 bucket versioning. As you advance, you'll enable S3 bucket lifecycle rules and S3 cross-region replication. This course is part of a series that helps prepare learners for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Database & EBS Volume Management

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Database & EBS Volume Management

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • list various AWS database solutions
  • deploy SQL databases
  • deploy DynamoDB
  • deploy MySQL
  • describe how in-memory caching enhances databases performance
  • manage EBS volumes using the GUI
  • manage EBS volumes using the CLI
  • manage EBS volumes using PowerShell
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Various applications depend on databases, which can be deployed with little effort in the AWS cloud. Begin by exploring the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases. You'll then learn about the supported database solutions in AWS. Next, you値l deploy SQL databases, DynamoDB, and MySQL and learn how ElastiCache can be used as an in-memory database cache to enhance database performance. Next, you値l deploy Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell. Upon completion of this course, you'll have the skills to deploy databases and manage EBS volumes for EC2 instances and be further in your journey of preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SAO-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Directory Services

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Directory Services

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize the role of network directory services in AWS
  • manage AWS AD domains
  • create users and groups in AWS AD
  • deploy simple AD in AWS
  • recognize how the AWS AD connector syncs on-premises and AWS directories
  • manually deploy AD in the AWS cloud
  • link on-premises AD to AWS
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

A network directory service is a centralized or replicated database containing users, groups, computers, application configuration settings, and potentially much more. Many organizations use Microsoft Active Directory on-premises to store these types of network objects. Use this course to explore network directory services in the AWS cloud. Get started by investigating how to work with Active Directory (AD) and managing AD users and groups. You'll also learn about the steps involved in deploying simple AD and the AWS AD Connector to link an on-premises AD system to the AWS cloud. Having completed this course, you'll be able to manage directory services objects in the AWS cloud and be further in your journey of preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: DNS Name Resolution

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: DNS Name Resolution

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe how DNS is used
  • manage Route 53 public hosted zones using the GUI
  • manage Route 53 private hosted zones using the GUI
  • manage Route 53 hosted zones using the CLI
  • manage Route 53 hosted zones PowerShell
  • outline how Route 53 routing policies are used
  • configure Route 53 routing policies
  • configure the Route 53 DNS resolver
  • configure VPCs to use custom DNS servers
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Name resolution resolves fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) to IP addresses and is the most common use of the Domain Name System (DNS). Use this course to get familiar with DNS terminology and learn more about managing DNS name resolution using AWS Route 53. Start by examining DNS record types such as A, AAAA, PTR, and MX. You'll then discover the steps for deploying and managing public and private hosted DNZ zones using Route 53 with the help of the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell. Next, you値l review various types of DNS routing policies and work with the Route 53 resolver. You'll wrap up by exploring how to configure custom DNS servers. Once you're done with this course, you'll have a solid grasp of DNS name resolution and be a step further in preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: EC2 Instance Deployment & Sizing

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: EC2 Instance Deployment & Sizing

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • list settings related to AWS EC2 virtual machine instances
  • deploy Linux instances using the GUI
  • deploy Linux instances using the CLI
  • deploy Linux instances using PowerShell
  • use a template to deploy a Linux instance
  • use SSH to manage Linux instances remotely
  • deploy Windows instances using the GUI
  • deploy Windows instances using the CLI
  • deploy Windows instances using PowerShell
  • use a template to deploy a Windows instance
  • use RDP to manage Windows instances remotely
  • configure instance launch scripts
  • resize instances using the GUI
  • resize instances using the CLI
  • resize instances using PowerShell
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Virtual machines are the workhorses that underlie cloud services and can be manually deployed, configured, and managed. Through this course, you値l explore EC2 instance settings related to Windows and Linux virtual machines. Begin by investigating how to deploy Linux instances using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell, followed by remotely manage those instances using the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH). Moving on, you値l delve deeper into deploying Windows instances using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell, followed by remotely managing those instances using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Finally, you値l examine how to resize EC2 instances. After completing this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to manage and deploy EC2 instance virtual machines in the AWS cloud. Further, you'll be closer to preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: EC2 Instance Management

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: EC2 Instance Management

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize how AMIs are used to deploy EC2 instances
  • manage AMIs using the GUI
  • manage AMIs using the CLI
  • manage AMIs using PowerShell
  • create an AMI using the Image Builder tool
  • use CloudFormation templates to deploy AWS resources
  • describe the purpose of AWS OpsWorks
  • use OpsWorks for configuration management
  • describe the purpose of Elastic Beanstalk
  • use Beanstalk to orchestrate application management
  • describe the purpose of AWS Systems Manager
  • use Systems Manager to manage AWS resources
  • create a simple Lambda function
  • run commands on managed instances
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


AWS offers many services for automating the deployment and management of various cloud resources, such as EC2 instance virtual machines and web applications. Use this course to learn more about instance management using the AWS Management Console, CLI, and PowerShell, as well as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). Start by examining how CloudFormation templates can be used to deploy resources and explore ways to work with configuration and app management using OpsWorks, Elastic Beanstalk, and AWS Systems Manager. Finally, you値l investigate steps to create a simple Lambda function and schedule AWS management tasks. Once you have completed this course, you'll be able to automate cloud resource deployment and management and be closer to preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Identity & Access Management

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Identity & Access Management

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the role that IAM plays in securing resource access in the AWS cloud
  • recognize how identity federation is used within and between organizations
  • manage IAM users with the GUI
  • manage IAM users with the CLI
  • manage IAM users with PowerShell
  • manage IAM groups with the GUI
  • manage IAM groups with the CLI
  • manage IAM groups with PowerShell
  • outline how IAM policies and boundaries work
  • manage IAM roles
  • manage IAM policies using the GUI
  • manage IAM policies using the CLI
  • manage IAM policies using PowerShell
  • grant permissions to an EC2 instance
  • enable IAM user MFA
  • manage AWS organizations
  • monitor compliance using AWS Control Tower
  • manage AWS single sign-on
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Identity and access management (IAM) refers to the creation and configuration of identities and limited access to resources. Through this course, examine how resource access is secured within the AWS cloud. Begin by exploring IAM and identity federation before delving deeper into the steps involved in managing IAM users and groups using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell. Next, you値l work with IAM policies and roles using the GUI and command-line tools. Moving on, you値l learn how to grant permissions to AWS resources, enable multifactor authentication (MFA), and manage AWS organizations and AWS Control Tower. You'll wrap up by discovering how to configure AWS single sign-on (SSO). After completing this course, you'll have a deeper understanding of identity and access management in the AWS cloud and be a step closer to preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Management Tools

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Management Tools

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize how to use AWS services to meet business needs
  • list AWS solutions in place for software developers
  • use the AWS management console
  • use AWS CLI on the Windows platform
  • use AWS CLI on the Linux platform
  • deploy an Amazon Linux virtual machine and access the CLI
  • describe how PowerShell helps automate IT tasks
  • use AWS Tools for PowerShell
  • use AWS components in Visual Studio
  • recognize the purpose of CloudFormation
  • design a template using the CloudFormation Designer
  • create resource groups using the GUI
  • create resource groups using the CLI
  • create resource groups using PowerShell
  • tag resources using the GUI
  • tag resources using the CLI
  • tag resources using PowerShell
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides best practices for managing and using AWS services, including software developer solutions related to continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). Use this course to explore the framework as well as various software developer solutions in the AWS Cloud. Start by learning how to manage AWS using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, AWS Tools for PowerShell, and CloudFormation templates. You'll then work with resource groups and discover how to tag resources using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell. After completing this course, you'll have the skills to implement various AWS management tools and be a step closer to preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Managing AWS Costs

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Managing AWS Costs

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe strategies for minimizing AWS costs
  • tag resources for cost management purposes
  • analyze AWS costs using the Cost Explorer tool
  • analyze AWS usage to identity underutilized resources
  • create AWS budgets
  • deploy an EC2 spot instance
  • deploy an EC2 reserved instance
  • deploy an RDS reserved instance
  • schedule reserved instances
  • create an EC2 savings plan
  • manage consolidated billing
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Cloud computing uses an ongoing operating expense (OPEX) model as opposed to the capital expenditure (CAPEX) model required to host IT equipment and services entirely on-premises. Use this course to learn how to set up various AWS cost management strategies. Begin by reviewing these strategies before practicing using tags for cost tracking. Next, analyze costs using the Cost Explorer tool and identify underutilized resources. Moving on, configure AWS budgets, EC2 spot instances, and EC2 as well as RDS reserved instances. Lastly, configure an AWS savings plan and work with consolidated billing. By the end of this course, you'll be able to set up cost-saving strategies for all your AWS services. Furthermore, this course will help you prepare for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Monitoring AWS

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Monitoring AWS

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize strategies related to logging and monitoring
  • describe how monitoring works in CloudWatch
  • monitor resources using CloudWatch
  • manage CloudWatch alarms and notifications
  • configure CloudWatch dashboards
  • view AWS security issues using Security Hub
  • use GuardDuty for threat detection
  • view CloudTrail audit details
  • use AWS Config to track changes
  • use Amazon Inspector to monitor applications
  • use Trusted Advisor for best-practice recommendations
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course

Monitoring AWS resource usage and activity has the advantage of optimizing performance in addition to detecting potential security incidents. Use this course to get to grips with the logging and monitoring strategies available through AWS. Start with a theoretical overview before moving on to several practical tasks, such as setting up monitoring in CloudWatch and configuring alarms and notifications. Create a CloudWatch dashboard and learn how to detect security issues using Security Hub, GuardDuty, and other AWS tools. Moving on, practice using CloudTrail for auditing before working with other tools, such as the AWS Trusted Advisor, to assess security compliance. This course is part of a series that helps prepare learners for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Network Configuration

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Network Configuration

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe IPv4 and IPv6 addressing
  • deploy and associate an elastic IP address
  • list configuration settings related to virtual private clouds
  • manage VPCs using the GUI
  • manage VPCs using the CLI
  • manage VPCs using PowerShell
  • enable IPv6 addressing for a VPC
  • configure a DHCP option set
  • recognize the purpose of peering VPCs together
  • configure VPC peering
  • recognize the purpose of VPC transit gateways
  • configure VPC transit gateways
  • describe the difference between NAT and internet gateways
  • deploy a NAT gateway
  • deploy an internet gateway
  • deploy an egress-only internet gateway
  • recognize when to use AWS Direct Connect
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Networks in the cloud are configured through software-defined networking (SDN), which hides the underlying complexities of configuring devices such as network switches and routers. Use this course to gain a deeper understanding of how to manage the AWS network. You値l begin by examining IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, elastic IP (EIP) address resources, and virtual private clouds (VPCs). You will then work with DHCP settings, VPC peering and transit gateways, NAT and Internet gateways, and egress-only internet gateways. This course will also help you determine the use of AWS Direct Connect. After completing this course, you'll be able to provision and manage various AWS network components, further preparing you for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Network Security

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Network Security

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe how packet filtering firewalls protect networks
  • outline how forward and reverse proxying protects networks
  • describe how address translations solutions protect networks
  • recognize when to use AWS security groups
  • manage security groups using the GUI
  • manage security groups using the CLI
  • manage security groups using PowerShell
  • recognize when to use AWS network ACLs
  • manage network ACLs using the GUI
  • manage network ACLs using the CLI
  • manage network ACLs using PowerShell
  • configure the AWS Network Firewall
  • configure the AWS Firewall Manager
  • configure the AWS WAF
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Network security is achieved through a number of solutions. Through this course, you'll examine various aspects of AWS network security. Begin by exploring how packet filtering firewalls allow or deny traffic based on the contents of packet headers (and not payload). You'll then recognize how forward proxies fetch internet content for users while reverse proxies hide the true identity of services accessed through the proxy device. Moving on, you値l also compare port and network address translation, manage security groups and network ACLs, and work with the AWS Network Firewall, AWS Firewall Manager, and the AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF). Once you have finished this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to manage network security within the AWS cloud by implementing the appropriate network security measure. You'll also be a step further in preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Storage Management

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: Storage Management

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize how S3 buckets are used for cloud storage
  • create an S3 bucket using the GUI
  • create an S3 bucket using the CLI
  • create an S3 bucket using PowerShell
  • manage S3 content using the GUI
  • manage S3 content using the CLI
  • manage S3 content using PowerShell
  • describe how content delivery networks speed up web app access
  • use the GUI to configure CloudFront caching
  • enable S3 bucket static website hosting
  • outline how elastic file system provides file shares in the cloud
  • configure an EFS share
  • describe how the storage gateway connects an on-premises network and the cloud to provide cloud storage
  • configure an AWS storage gateway
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Cloud storage provides virtually unlimited capacity for AWS customers. Through this course, learn more about the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket usage and configuration settings. Begin by examining how to deploy and manage S3 buckets using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell. You'll then work with CloudFront and learn how to enable static website hosting for an S3 bucket. This course will also help you discover the steps involved in configuring a cloud-based file share using Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) and deploying AWS Storage Gateway to link on-premises storage to cloud storage. Upon completion of this course, you'll have the skills to implement AWS storage management solutions and be further in your journey of preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: VPNs & Data Privacy

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

AWS SysOps Associate 2021: VPNs & Data Privacy

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize the purpose of VPN tunneling
  • configure an AWS client VPN
  • configure an AWS site-to-site VPN
  • describe the purpose of AWS Secrets Manager
  • manage secrets using AWS Secrets Manager
  • encrypt S3 contents using the GUI
  • encrypt S3 contents using the CLI
  • encrypt S3 contents using PowerShell
  • describe the components of PII
  • list common data privacy regulations and standards
  • use Amazon Macie to discover and classify data
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Providing confidentiality for sensitive data is crucial for data at rest, in use, and in transit. Use this course to learn more about the different ways in which data can be secured. Begin by examining how to deploy a client-to-site and site-to-site VPN configuration to the AWS cloud. Next, you値l work with AWS Secrets Manager, investigate the steps involved in creating an encryption key, and discover how to encrypt an S3 bucket using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS Tools for PowerShell. You'll also explore the constituents of PII and learn to classify data using Amazon Macie. Once you have finished this course, you'll have a deeper understanding of VPNs and data privacy in the AWS cloud. Moreover, you'll be a step further in preparing for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, SOA-C02.


Prerequisites: none

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