Professional Effectiveness
Practical Grammar for Business Writing
Abbreviating, Capitalizing, and Using Numbers
Creating Well-Constructed Sentences
Getting the Details Right: Spelling Basics
Troublesome Words and Phrases: Common Usage Mistakes in Writing
Using Punctuation Marks
Using the Parts of Speech

Abbreviating, Capitalizing, and Using Numbers

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Abbreviating, Capitalizing, and Using Numbers

  • recognize the correct application of basic rules for abbreviating words
  • identify correct abbreviations of given words
  • recognize the correct application of basic rules for capitalizing words
  • identify appropriate capitalization for headings, lists, and colons
  • recognize how to capitalize places and events correctly
  • recognize the correct application of basic rules for using numbers
  • identify the correct use of numbers in given examples
  • use abbreviation, capitalization, and number rules in written communications

No doubt you've had to use abbreviations, capital letters, and numbers in your business writing. But are you using them correctly? This course presents the basic rules related to capital letters, abbreviations, and numbers. It covers abbreviations of titles, names, locations, and countries, as well as how to capitalize direct quotes, titles, names of organizations, and product names, among other elements. In addition, you will be introduced to the forms and uses of numbers with dates and time, money, fractions, and symbols.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations

Creating Well-constructed Sentences

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Creating Well-constructed Sentences

  • recognize the parts of a sentence
  • identify phrases and clauses in given sentences
  • recognize sentences that have the correct subject-verb agreement
  • identify examples of pronouns and antecedents that agree in person, number, and gender
  • identify ways to fix sentence fragments
  • recognize how to fix comma splices and run-on sentences
  • identify the sentences with misplaced or dangling modifiers
  • use sentence elements correctly to build grammatically correct sentences

Syntax is the grammatical term for arranging words to create logical phrases, clauses, and sentences. Well-constructed sentences express an idea by using the parts of speech in a logical and clear order. A misplaced modifier might get a chuckle out of the reader, but it doesn't help your reputation or that of your company. In this course, you'll review basic sentence construction, including how to develop sentences that are logical, clear, and powerful – the basis of any sound business document. The course examines the parts of a sentence – the subject and predicate, for example – and distinguishes between phrases and clauses. It shows the importance of subject-verb agreement, as well as agreement between pronouns and their antecedents. You'll also find out how to identify and fix some of the most common types of sentence errors.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations

Getting the Details Right: Spelling Basics

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Getting the Details Right: Spelling Basics

  • identify the meaning and function of prefixes and suffixes in given words
  • recognize the correct way to spell words with prefixes
  • recognize the correct application of spelling rules for words with suffixes
  • recognize the correct plural form of given nouns
  • identify examples of words that follow the rules for forming possessives
  • recognize the correct application of spelling rules for given words
  • recognize the correct way to spell given words

Spelling errors are all too common. A wrong letter here, an extra letter there, and your reader loses faith. Knowing the rules, as well as the exceptions, when it comes to details like spelling can help you write clearly without errors. This course explains how to spell words with prefixes and suffixes, and how to form the plural and possessive forms of words. It also covers general rules on how to spell correctly and presents tips to help you become a better speller.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations

Troublesome Words and Phrases: Common Usage Mistakes in Writing

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Troublesome Words and Phrases: Common Usage Mistakes in Writing

  • identify the correct use of words from similar sounding word pairs
  • recognize the correct way to use words with similar but not identical meanings
  • recognize the correct usage of commonly misused verbs
  • identify the correct way to use commonly misused terms
  • recognize the appropriate preposition to use in given examples
  • identify the correct way to use words in given examples

The many nuances and conventions in the English language make it diverse and interesting but sometimes difficult too. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the most common errors of usage. This course describes how to use commonly confused words correctly, including word pairs that sound alike and those that have related meanings. It also covers verbs that are often misused – for example, affect and effect or apprise and appraise. In addition, the course reviews some idiomatic combinations of verbs and prepositions that can be confusing.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations

Using Punctuation Marks

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Using Punctuation Marks

  • recognize examples of correctly applied rules for using end punctuation
  • recognize how to use commas correctly
  • recognize how to use semicolons and colons correctly
  • identify the correct use of apostrophes in given examples
  • recognize how to use quotation marks appropriately in written communications
  • identify the correct application of rules for using parentheses and brackets
  • use punctuation marks correctly

Punctuation is the collection of marks used to separate sentences and their parts. Appropriate punctuation will make your meaning clear and less likely to be misinterpreted. This course covers the standard rules and guidelines for using punctuation marks, including the correct use of periods, question marks, and exclamation points. It also covers how to correctly use commas, one of the most common punctuation marks. The course includes rules for using different connecting and separating marks, such as colons, semicolons, dashes, and hyphens. In addition, it shows how to properly use apostrophes, parentheses, brackets, and quotation marks.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations

Using the Parts of Speech

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Using the Parts of Speech

  • identify the parts of speech in a given sentence
  • recognize the correct use of nouns in given sentences
  • identify correct use of perfect and progressive tenses
  • recognize how modal verbs are being used in given sentences
  • distinguish between active and passive voice
  • recognize the correct use of adjectives and adverbs in given sentences
  • recognize how to use the parts of speech

The parts of speech are the building blocks of sentences, so learning about them can help you skillfully combine words into meaningful sentences. This course describes the eight parts of speech and shows how to use them effectively and correctly.

Target Audience
Anyone who wants to refresh or refine their basic business grammar skills for any kind of business writing, from e-mail and memos to reports and presentations

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