Enterprise Database Systems
Essentials of Blockchain
Bitcoin Technology Fundamentals
Introduction to Digital Currency
The Basics of Blockchain
Working with Bitcoin

Bitcoin Technology Fundamentals

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Bitcoin Technology Fundamentals

  • start the course
  • explain the basics of Bitcoin addresses
  • explain the basics of Bitcoin networks
  • explain the basics of mining bitcoins
  • describe improvement proposals for Bitcoin
  • describe Blockchain explorers
  • explain how Bitcoin is purchased
  • explain how Bitcoin is sold
  • describe unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs)
  • describe the aspects of anonymity when dealing in Bitcoin
  • explain the volatility of Bitcoin
  • discuss unconfirmed transactions
  • describe irreversibility as it pertains to Bitcoin transactions
  • describe the mining process
  • describe mining pools and centralization
  • discuss mining and security issues with Bitcoin
  • discuss Bitcoin wallet hardware
  • discuss experimental opportunities for Bitcoin and Blockchain
  • explain Bitcoin's social impact
  • explain the issues surrounding Bitcoin and its future
  • explain the fundamentals of Bitcoin technology, including basic technology, transactions, pros and cons, and mining

Bitcoin is a digital currency system that's driven by a database technology known as Blockchain, but what's the underlying technology? In this course, you'll learn the technological fundamentals of Blockchain, including basic Bitcoin technology, transactions, the pros and cons of transactions, and Bitcoin mining.

Target Audience
Professionals who want to leverage Bitcoin technology in their field of expertise

Introduction to Digital Currency

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Introduction to Digital Currency

  • start the course
  • provide an overview of the history of money and currency
  • describe the key aspects of money and currency
  • describe distributed consensus
  • identify the aspects of price derivation
  • describe the basic factors of Blockchain
  • provide examples of Blockchain
  • list the benefits of Blockchain
  • describe public Blockchain
  • describe private Blockchain
  • describe hybrid Blockchain
  • provide an overview of Blockchain and commodities
  • describe the benefits and reasons why Blockchain provides a secure collaborative environment
  • provide an explanation of market forecasting and Blockchain
  • describe the factors of Blockchain adoption
  • provide an overview of Bitcoin's early history between 2008 and 2011
  • explain the impact of Bitcoin
  • describe significant Bitcoin events in 2012 and 2013
  • describe the progression of Bitcoin as a commonly-accepted form of currency
  • describe various known Bitcoin scandals and hacks, and their impact
  • explain the basic aspects of currency, Blockchain, and Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a digital currency system that was introduced in 2008, and it is the first cryptocurrency, but what does that mean? In this course, you'll learn about digital currency, including the history of money and ledger economics and distributed consensus. You'll also be introduced to Blockchain and the history and uses of Bitcoin.

Target Audience
Professionals who want to leverage Bitcoin technology in their field of expertise

The Basics of Blockchain

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

The Basics of Blockchain

  • start the course
  • describe how Bitcoin pricing is established
  • describe the Bitcoin community
  • describe the basic elements to start buying and selling Bitcoin
  • describe the incremental Bitcoin units
  • provide an overview of capital markets and Blockchain technology
  • describe the various problems with Blockchain technology
  • provide an overview of current and future Blockchain opportunities
  • describe the Blockchain ledger
  • explain the differences between single, double, and triple entry accounting
  • explain the purpose of ledgers, and the differences between local and distributed ledgers
  • explain qualities, differences, benefits, and drawbacks of centralized and decentralized ledgers
  • explain the various aspects of cryptocurrency
  • describe the basic elements of cryptography
  • explain the application and uses of cryptography throughout history
  • describe how encryption works
  • describe hash functions
  • explain the differences between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
  • describe digital signatures and their uses
  • describe digital certificates and their uses
  • describe the basics of Blockchain, ledgers, cryptocurrency, and cryptography

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency - a digital currency system that's protected through the use of cryptography and driven by a database technology known as Blockchain. In this course, you'll learn the basics of Blockchain, including Bitcoin keys, units, and transactions, the pros and cons of Bitcoin, and ledgers. You'll also learn about cryptocurrency and the underlying technology behind cryptography.

Target Audience
Professionals who want to leverage Bitcoin technology in their field of expertise

Working with Bitcoin

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Working with Bitcoin

  • start the course
  • explain the purpose of mining, the value to miners, and how new bitcoins are created
  • describe Bitcoin mining, proof-of-work, and pooled mining
  • explain mining and processing, and the purpose and types of mining hardware
  • describe the types of wallets
  • explain deterministic wallets
  • describe how to secure wallets
  • explain passphrase-encrypted wallets
  • describe full node and thin clients and security issues relating to both
  • explain the Wallet Input Format (WIF) and importing and exporting functionality in Bitcoin wallets
  • explain how to back up Bitcoin
  • explain Bitcoin transactions and fees
  • describe the various security issues with Bitcoin
  • explain cold storage and offline Bitcoins
  • discuss conjoining and block trades
  • describe how merchants can accept bitcoins
  • describe payment processors and what they do
  • describe the secure payment protocol (BIP70) and how it's used
  • explain regulatory and compliance issues surrounding Bitcoin
  • discuss the various tax implications of Bitcoin
  • explain how to work with Bitcoin, including wallets and how they work, Bitcoin clients and design, and security and regulatory considerations for working with Bitcoin

Working with Bitcoin involves the use of wallets and clients, and it's important to understand the security and regulatory considerations when working with the digital currency. In this course, you'll learn about working with Bitcoin, including wallets and how they work, Bitcoin clients and design, and security and regulatory considerations for working with Bitcoin.

Target Audience
Professionals who want to leverage Bitcoin technology in their field of expertise

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