Enterprise Database Systems
Business Intelligence with TIBCO Spotfire
Advanced TIBCO Spotfire
Complex Visualizations and Analytics
Diving into the World of Spotfire
More Spotfire Visualization Techniques
Scripting with Spotfire
Spotfire Automation, Analyzation, and Visualization
Spotfire Basics
Spotfire Data Combinations
Spotfire Visualizations and Relationships

Advanced TIBCO Spotfire

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Advanced TIBCO Spotfire

  • start the course
  • provide an overview of the other various additional clients that can be used in Spotfire
  • recognize various advanced data services in Spotfire
  • use performance-enhancing mechanisms in Spotfire
  • create predictive analytics with Spotfire and R
  • determine resolutions to various data management scenarios in Spotfire
  • recognize the Spotfire SDK and Package Builder
  • use the Spotfire Professional tool and API
  • recognize other Spotfire clients and advanced operations of Spotfire

Several other operations can be achieved with more complex Spotfire operations. This course will investigate further into the advanced areas of Spotfire including additional clients and processes.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Complex Visualizations and Analytics

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Complex Visualizations and Analytics

  • start the course
  • recognize methods in manipulating a page
  • recognize methods in manipulating visualization properties
  • recognize methods in manipulating colors
  • recognize methods in manipulating filters
  • use preloaded data in Spotfire
  • add data to an analysis in Spotfire
  • recognize metadata sets in Spotfire
  • build a guided analysis in Spotfire
  • configure basic rules for Spotfire analysis
  • provide an example of self-service analytics
  • use complex scripting with Spotfire

Spotfire allows businesses to make better decision-making with the use of their data visualization and analytics software. In this course, we will explore advanced visualization functionalities and self service analytics.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Diving into the World of Spotfire

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Diving into the World of Spotfire

  • start the course
  • recognize Spotfire document properties
  • recognize how to frame analysis using text areas
  • provide details and control using property controls and summary information
  • use Spotfire Tags
  • use Spotfire Lists
  • recognize how to configure bookmarks
  • recognize various core Spotfire components
  • provide a high-level overview of Spotfire Administrator
  • recognize the Library Administration Interface in Spotfire
  • provide a high-level overview of Information Designer in Spotfire
  • recognize the core functionality of Spotfire

Spotfire brings more complexity to the BI individual by providing many layers of visualization analytics. This course will demonstrate this by adding context and input controls to the Spotfire analysis.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

More Spotfire Visualization Techniques

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

More Spotfire Visualization Techniques

  • start the course
  • annotate visualizations using reference lines, fitted curves, and error bars
  • define color schemes
  • recognize how to apply custom expressions
  • recognize differences between calculated columns and custom expressions
  • define color rules
  • recognize nodes in custom expressions
  • recognize the concept of mapping chart layers
  • use a feature layer in Spotfire
  • recognize how to add web map service data
  • recognize how to create a spatial visualization
  • recognize how coordinate reference systems are used in Spotfire

Spotfire assists and provides an intuitive approach to deep data exploration. This course will demonstrate the use of various annotations and colors to enrich analysis visuals and go through concepts in map chart visualization.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Scripting with Spotfire

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Scripting with Spotfire

  • start the course
  • define IronPython
  • recognize the benefit of Spotfire API
  • recognize useful .net assemblies
  • recognize methods in scripting with Spotfire
  • define and provide an overview of TERR
  • add JavaScript to Spotfire
  • recognize the various Spotfire mobile metrics
  • recognize various event analytics
  • define spotfire data connectors

Spotfire allows front-end users and report developers access to its API using the IronPython programming language. In this course, we will explore IronPython concepts, the Spotfire API, and provide an overview of the TERR language.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Spotfire Automation, Analyzation, and Visualization

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Spotfire Automation, Analyzation, and Visualization

  • start the course
  • provide an overview of the various ways to automate tasks in Spotfire
  • recognize key monitoring tools in Spotfire
  • recognize dimensional hierarchies and hierarchical nodes
  • provide an introduction to the data panel tool in Spotfire
  • provide an overview of how to create metrics with calculated columns
  • recognize how to merge data in Spotfire
  • recognize how to pivot and unpivot data structures
  • provide an example of in-database analytics
  • define data transformations in Spotfire

With Spotfire, it's possible to automate analytics without user interaction. This course will introduce you to the automation services as well as diving deeper with analyzations and visualizations.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Spotfire Basics

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Spotfire Basics

  • start the course
  • recognize key data concepts necessary for using Spotfire
  • import various files into Spotfire
  • using Spotfire inbuilt filters
  • recognize data relationships and linking data into Spotfire
  • configure a connection with an ODBC driver
  • recognize basic SQL concepts used in Spotfire

Spotfire provides a useful resource in working with Business Intelligence while providing users an easy way to deliver visualizations. This course covers key data concepts, how to add data into Spotfire, and connecting to a database.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Spotfire Data Combinations

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Spotfire Data Combinations

  • start the course
  • bring different tables in a single visualization
  • recognize how to create dynamic pivots using cross tables
  • visualize measures using box and whisker plots in Spotfire
  • recognize how to summarize statistical outputs using summary tables
  • recognize how to visualize multidimensional data using heat maps
  • use parallel coordinate plots in Spotfire
  • recognize how to export and publish data visualizations
  • recognize various visualizations and combinations

Spotfire allows many combinations of disparate data sources without the need of custom scripting or any IT intervention. In this course, we will explore those various data combinations and also look at exporting and publishing data visualizations.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

Spotfire Visualizations and Relationships

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Spotfire Visualizations and Relationships

  • start the course
  • display information in tabular form
  • recognize color categorization with visualizations
  • recognize Spotfire bar chart visualizations
  • work with visualizations across a Trellis Grid
  • recognize Spotfire Marking concept
  • recognize line chart visualization concepts
  • define proportions using a pie chart visualization
  • recognize Spotfire filter concepts
  • configure filter panels
  • build relationships in Spotfire using scatterplots
  • define various hierarchical relationships
  • use graphical tables to enhance experience
  • recognize how Spotfire can benefit in optimizing visualizations

Visualizations enhance data analysis efficiency in Spotfire. This course will demonstrate basic visualizations and provide a thorough understanding of each. In addition, the various relationships used in Spotfire will be explained.

Target Audience
Business users and data professionals looking for agile solutions while creating visualizations in TIBCO Spotfire for a BI architecture

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