Operating Systems And Server Technologies
DevOps with Ansible and SaltStack
DevOps with Ansible: Introduction to Playbooks and Testing
DevOps with Ansible: Overview
DevOps with Ansible: Working with Ansible Features
DevOps with Saltstack: Configuration and Components
DevOps with Saltstack: Overview
DevOps with Saltstack: Remote Execution & State System

DevOps with Ansible: Introduction to Playbooks and Testing

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Ansible: Introduction to Playbooks and Testing

  • use Ansible to run ad-hoc tasks and configure SSH for key-based login
  • work with Ansible inventory
  • create an Ansible playbook
  • use YAML to write lists and dictionaries
  • reference variables in Ansible playbooks
  • use tasks and plays in an Ansible playbook
  • use Ansible conditions and loops
  • use YAMLlint to lint Ansible playbooks
  • understand Ansible compile, sanity, integration, and unit tests
  • perform tests against pull requests from Ansible on GitHub
  • create and use Ansible playbooks


Explore the basics of Ansible playbooks and various ways to test Ansible.


Prerequisites: none

DevOps with Ansible: Overview

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Ansible: Overview

  • describe how Ansible automation can help address DevOps challenges
  • describe why Ansible is used for DevOps
  • identify the advantages of using Ansible
  • compare the differences between open source and the Red Hat professional version
  • identify the pre-requisites required for Ansible, such as the control machine and managed node requirements
  • install Ansible and Linux Containers on Linux
  • install Ansible on Mac OSX
  • install Ansible from source
  • configure Ansible by adjusting the configuration file
  • choose which version of Ansible to install


Explore the basics and features of Ansible for DevOps and its available installation methods.


Prerequisites: none

DevOps with Ansible: Working with Ansible Features

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Ansible: Working with Ansible Features

  • use Ansible Vault to create an encrypted file
  • use Ansible modules in a playbook task
  • use the command, raw, and shell Ansible commands modules
  • use Ansible plugins such as lookup and inventory
  • use Ansible filters to format data
  • use Ansible patterns to target different hosts in the inventory
  • work with different command line tools available in Ansible
  • describe how Red Hat Ansible Tower can help automate network scaling
  • describe how to install Red Hat Ansible Tower
  • recognize how to use Ansible Tower views including Dashboard, Jobs, Schedules, and My View
  • recognize how to perform the role of administrator in Ansible Tower
  • use various Ansible features


Explore Ansible features such as Ansible Vault, modules, plugins, filters, patters, and command line tools.


Prerequisites: none

DevOps with Saltstack: Configuration and Components

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Saltstack: Configuration and Components

  • configure the Salt master using the master configuration file
  • configure the Salt minion using the minion configuration file
  • use Grains to target Salt minions
  • use the three rules when writing YAML for SLS files
  • use Jinja in states
  • use Salt runners
  • preseed Salt minion keys as soon as they come online
  • change the states of a Salt minion key
  • use compound targeting
  • work with Grains to target Salt minions


Discover how to configure the Salt master and Salt minion files, as well as work with components such as Grains, YAML, and Jinja.


Prerequisites: none

DevOps with Saltstack: Overview

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Saltstack: Overview

  • describe what Salt is and its core functions
  • describe how Salt works
  • list the advantages of Salt
  • recognize Salt best practices
  • run the Salt bootstrap script to install your Salt master
  • install Salt using the platform-specific guide
  • describe the dependencies that are required when running Salt on a Unix platform
  • install Salt-Minion on Windows
  • perform the initial Salt configuration, such as setting up the master and minion configuration and key identity
  • validate key identity to connect to the Salt master


Explore the basics of SaltStack and the different installation methods available.


Prerequisites: none

DevOps with Saltstack: Remote Execution & State System

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

DevOps with Saltstack: Remote Execution & State System

  • use the Salt command
  • identify the three components to order your minions around
  • use Salt slots to store the results of a command
  • write a Salt execution module
  • add documentation to custom modules
  • create custom modules to extend Salt
  • write utility modules to reuse code in custom modules
  • recognize the Salt state system layers
  • use the order flag to override the definition order
  • set up the Salt state tree
  • debug the states by using call locally
  • use Salt renderers to evaluate an SLS
  • perform commands on the minion


Explore the process of remote execution, including running commands and using modules on minions. The state system, including system layers, compiler ordering, and state trees, is also covered.


Prerequisites: none

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