Defensive Programmer: Advanced Concepts
Defensive Programmer: Advanced Concepts
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- describe session management techniques and secure session management
- define risk management and be able to apply risk management to software projects
- describe assertive programming and be able to implement assertions
- describe intelligible exceptions and be able to implement meaningful and actionable exception handling
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Explore advanced defensive coding concepts and practices such as session and risk management, assertive programming, and intelligible exceptions.
Defensive Programmer: Code Samples
Defensive Programmer: Code Samples
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- implement Java filtering
- implement Python filtering
- implement C# filtering
- implement JavaScript filtering
- implement Java resilient code
- implement Python resilient code
- implement C# resilient code
- implement JavaScript resilient code
- implement Java recoverable code
- implement Python recoverable code
- implement C# recoverable code
- implement JavaScript recoverable code
- implement Java parameter checking
- implement Python parameter checking
- implement C# parameter checking
- implement JavaScript parameter checking
- implement validation in Java
- implement validation in Python
- implement validation in C#
- implement validation in JavaScript
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Discover how to implement defensive coding techniques such as filtering, resilient code, recoverable code, parameter checking, and validation by examining Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript code examples.
Defensive Programmer: Cryptography
Defensive Programmer: Cryptography
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- describe basic cryptography concepts, cryptography types, and applications
- describe basic cryptography applications to confidentiality and integrity
- use Java Cryptography
- use Python Cryptography
- use C# Cryptography
- use JavaScript Cryptography
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Explore the basics of programming cryptography and examine encryption implementation code examples for Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript.
Defensive Programmer: Defensive Concepts
Defensive Programmer: Defensive Concepts
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- identify general defensive concepts
- describe the first five CERT Top 10 secure coding practices - Validate input, Heed compiler warnings, Architect and design for security, Keep it simple, and the Default deny
- describe the last five CERT Top 10 secure coding practices - Adhere to the principle of least privilege, Sanitize data sent to other systems, Practice defense in depth, Use effective quality assurance techniques, and Adopt a secure coding standard
- apply defensive coding
- use Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual concepts
- apply the Flaw Hypothesis Method
- describe the role of Six Sigma in producing better quality, secure programming
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Explore key defensive programming concepts including the CERT Top 10 practices for secure coding. Learn how to use the Open Source Security Testing Methodology, Six Sigma principles, and the Flaw Hypothesis Method to improve and secure your programming practices.
Defensive Programmer: Defensive Techniques
Defensive Programmer: Defensive Techniques
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- apply exception handling effectively
- describe validation techniques and procedures
- describe reliability, resiliency, and recoverability and how it can be achieved in software engineering
- describe CDI/UDI, why it is important and how it should be done
- apply parameter checking
- use Java exception handling
- use Python exception handling
- use C# exception handling
- use JavaScript exception handling
- use Java validation
- use Python validation
- use C# validation
- use JavaScript validation
- describe component trust including when and how to achieve trust of components
- describe how to reuse code effectively and defensively
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Discover the importance of exception handling, validation, and parameter checking in programming. Explore how to handle exceptions and apply validation in Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript, as well as how to configure component trust and reuse code.
Defensive Programmer: Secure Testing
Defensive Programmer: Secure Testing
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- describe secure testing concepts including unit, integration, and regression testing
- apply secure unit testing including how it is done and who should do it
- apply effective and secure regression testing
- apply secure integration testing including when and who conducts integration testing
- use effective security metrics
- effectively track security bugs
- summarize the key concepts in this course
Explore the basics of secure testing methodologies such as unit, regression, and integration testing. Discover how to work with security metrics and track security bugs.
Final Exam: Defensive Programmer
Final Exam: Defensive Programmer
- apply defensive coding
- apply effective and secure regression testing
- apply exception handling effectively
- apply parameter checking
- apply secure integration testing including when and who conducts integration testing
- apply secure unit testing including how it is done and who should do it
- apply the Flaw Hypothesis Method
- define risk management and be able to apply risk management to software projects
- describe assertive programming and be able to implement assertions
- describe basic cryptography applications to confidentiality and integrity
- describe basic cryptography concepts, cryptography types, and applications
- describe CDI/UDI, why it is important and how it should be done
- describe component trust including when and how to achieve the trust of components
- describe how to reuse code effectively and defensively
- describe intelligible exceptions and be able to implement meaningful and actionable exception handling
- describe reliability, resiliency, and recoverability and how it can be achieved in software engineering
- describe secure testing concepts including unit, integration, and regression testing
- describe session management techniques and secure session management
- describe the first five CERT Top 10 secure coding practices - Validate input, Heed compiler warnings, Architect and design for security, Keep it simple, and the Default deny
- describe the last five CERT Top 10 secure coding practices - Adhere to the principle of least privilege, Sanitize data sent to other systems, Practice defense-in-depth, Use effective quality assurance techniques, and Adopt a secure coding standard
- describe the role of Six Sigma in producing better quality, secure programming
- describe validation techniques and procedures
- effectively track security bugs
- identify general defensive concepts
- identify intelligible exceptions
- implement C# filtering
- implement C# parameter checking
- implement C# recoverable code
- implement C# resilient code
- implement Java filtering
- implement Java parameter checking
- implement Java recoverable code
- implement Java resilient code
- implement JavaScript filtering
- implement JavaScript parameter checking
- implement JavaScript recoverable code
- implement JavaScript resilient code
- implement Python filtering
- implement Python parameter checking
- implement Python recoverable code
- implement Python resilient code
- implement secure integration testing including when and who conducts integration testing
- implement validation in C#
- implement validation in Java
- implement validation in JavaScript
- implement validation in Python
- use C# Cryptography
- use C# exception handling
- use C# validation
- use effective security metrics
- use Java Cryptography
- use Java exception handling
- use JavaScript Cryptography
- use JavaScript exception handling
- use JavaScript validation
- use Java validation
- use Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual concepts
- use Python Cryptography
- use Python exception handling
- use Python validation
Final Exam: Defensive Programmer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Defensive Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Programmer to Secure Agile Programmer Journey.