Software Development
Patterns, Idioms in Programming for APIs
Patterns in Programming: API Design Patterns
Patterns in Programming: Patterns in API Programming

Patterns in Programming: API Design Patterns

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Patterns in Programming: API Design Patterns

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the importance of design patterns
  • describe what Behavioral design patterns are and their implementations
  • create the Iterator design pattern
  • describe what creational design patterns are and their implementations
  • demonstrate creating the Singleton design pattern
  • describe what structural design patterns are and their implementations
  • create the Adapter design pattern
  • describe and recognize different types of design anti-patterns
  • describe how to use code refactoring to implement efficient programming solutions
  • describe how to use software refactoring techniques to solve architectural coding problems
  • recall the guiding principles that underpin most API patterns
  • describe fundamental design patterns for implementing API resource layout and naming
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


In this course, you'll learn about a number of API design patterns, including behavioral, creational, structural, and adapter, as well as design anti-patterns, and software refactoring techniques. You値l start by examining the overall importance of design patterns, behavioral design patterns and their implementations, and see how to create the iterator design pattern. You値l then explore creational and structural design patterns and the implementation of each, as well as how to create the singleton and adapter design patterns. Next, you値l learn about design anti-patterns and the different types, and software refactoring and refactoring techniques for solving architectural coding problems. Lastly, you値l examine the API pattern principles and the basic design patterns for implementing API resource layout and naming.


Prerequisites: none

Patterns in Programming: Patterns in API Programming

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Patterns in Programming: Patterns in API Programming

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • differentiate between stateless and stateful API services
  • describe content negotiation and how it relates to API services
  • describe URI templates and how they relate to API services
  • describe Design for Intent and how it relates to API services
  • describe methods for performing versioning for API services
  • describe methods for performing bulk operations using API services
  • describe methods for performing pagination with API services
  • describe methods for performing filtering and sorting with API services
  • describe methods for performing API notification and error logging with API services
  • describe the difference between REST and SOAP API web services and when to use each API design pattern
  • implement a RESTful web service
  • implement a SOAP based web service
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course


Design patterns help programmers resolve common issues by formalizing best practices. In this course, you'll explore API-specific patterns and how they relate to API services. You値l start by learning about the differences between stateful and stateless API patterns, as well as content negotiation, URI templates, Design for Intent, and how each relates to API services. You値l then move on to examine the methods for performing versioning, bulk operations, and pagination with API services. Next, you値l learn about methods for performing sorting and filtering, as well as API notification and error logging with API services. Lastly, you値l see the differences between REST and SOAP API web services and when to use each, as well as how to implement both a RESTful and SOAP-based web service.


Prerequisites: none

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