Final Exam: Web Programmer
Final Exam: Web Programmer
- access individual form elements and their data contents from JavaScript
- alter the contents of a web page by modifying its DOM
- apply basic operators on numbers and strings
- assign a function to a variable and pass a function as an argument to another function
- create a function from a string using the new keyword
- create and manage date types in JavaScript
- create a simple JavaScript app that writes a message to an HTML page
- create handlers for the events of users clicking on a button and for modifying the contents of a text box
- create objects containing different types of data and functions, and access their properties
- define a simple registration form with text, numerical input fields, radio buttons, check boxes and a drop-down menu
- define a variety of form validations for different input fields
- define basic functions and invoke them in JavaScript
- define event listeners and handlers for clicks on a web page button
- define functions using the concise syntax available in the ES6 specifications for JavaScript, including the use of arrow functions
- define handlers for mouse events on elements of your web page
- delete or replace existing nodes in the DOM of your web page
- describe how browsers render web pages as a structured DOM
- describe how browsers render web pages as a structured DOM
- describe multiple ways to declare and manipulate numerical data in JavaScript
- differentiate variables that are undefined from those whose values are null
- distinguish between the var and let keywords when it comes to the scope of JavaScript variables
- distinguish between the var, let, and const keywords when declaring variables
- generate deep and shallow copies of arrays and add and remove array elements
- identify a number of object methods to access the keys and values of an object
- identify some of the quirks of the JavaScript language which distinguish it from most other high-level languages
- identify the characteristics of an array
- identify the properties and features around arrays and functions in JavaScript
- identify when to use prototypes for JavaScript objects and how they can be defined
- implement an object constructor and use it to instantiate new objects
- implement basic operators on numbers
- implement counter functions with closures
- initialize and manipulate JavaScript strings using different techniques
- initialize an empty object and add/remove properties to/from that object
- integrate closures with buttons on a web page
- link a HTML page with a separately defined JavaScript source file
- list the high-level properties of the JavaScript programming language
- manage errors in your application, whether they are raised by JavaScript or by your own logic using try, catch, and finally blocks
- recall how variables of the same name inside closures and in scopes outside them are accessed by functions
- recall what an object is JavaScript and how it is represented
- recognize handlers for mouse events on elements of your web page
- recognize how closures can be created within objects and its implications on your code
- recognize how closures created within loops interact with variables defined within and outside the loop
- recognize how JavaScript can be used to communicate with end users via the HTML page, alerts, and log messages
- recognize how the var, let, and const keywords affect the accessibility of variables in JavaScript functions
- recognize the role of the "this" keyword within the scope of a JavaScript object
- recognize what data types in JavaScript are passed by value and by reference
- recognize what makes up a closure in JavaScript
- recognize when variables are destroyed by JavaScript when a form submission navigates the user to a different web page
- recognize where JavaScript fits within a larger web application involving HTML and CSS
- retrieve the children of elements of your web page as an array
- use function callbacks to ensure the sequential execution of functions
- use in-built string operations to analyze and modify string types
- use promises to chain the execution of two functions where one depends on the results returned by the other
- use prototypes to implement inheritance in JavaScript
- use the assignment operator and the Object.assign() method to create new objects
- use the call method to link a JavaScript object to a function call
- use the document object to retrieve individual elements of your web page and access their values and properties
- use the fetch function to asynchronously retrieve an image file and relate it to the XMLHttpRequest of AJAX
- use the spread operator to expand the contents of arrays
- use the spread syntax and the JSON object to create new objects
Final Exam: Web Programmer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Web Programmer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Web Programmer to Apprentice Programmer Journey.
JavaScript: Advanced Function Operations
JavaScript: Advanced Function Operations
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- assign a function to a variable and pass a function as an argument to another function
- define and invoke a function which returns a nested function
- recognize what data types in JavaScript are passed by value and by reference
- create a function from a string using the new keyword
- use function callbacks to ensure the sequential execution of functions
- use the call, apply, and bind methods to link a function invocation with an object
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Functions are first-class members of the JavaScript language and this means that they can be used in ways which are not possible in other programming languages. Explore the use of functions as arguments to other functions, as return values of functions and also how functions can be linked with specific objects when invoked.
JavaScript: Closures & Prototypes
JavaScript: Closures & Prototypes
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- recognize what makes up a closure in JavaScript
- recall how variables of the same name inside closures and in scopes outside them are accessed by functions
- distinguish between variables of the same name inside functions, within the closure, and ones defined in a global scope
- implement counter functions with closures
- integrate closures with buttons on a web page
- recognize how closures can be created within objects and its implications on your code
- recognize how closures created within loops interact with variables defined within and outside the loop
- implement getter and setter functions for JavaScript objects using closures
- identify when to use prototypes for JavaScript objects and how they can be defined
- distinguish between object prototypes and classes in JavaScript
- use prototypes to implement inheritance in JavaScript
- implement multiple levels of inheritance using prototypes
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
This course covers the topic of closures - the bundle of a function along with its enclosing environment - and its implications on factors such as variable scopes and function references. It also examines the use of prototypes for the common properties of objects and how they can be used to implement inheritance
JavaScript: Form Validation & Async Programming in JavaScript
JavaScript: Form Validation & Async Programming in JavaScript
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- define a simple registration form with text, numerical input fields, radio buttons, check boxes and a drop-down menu
- access individual form elements and their data contents from JavaScript
- recognize when variables are destroyed by JavaScript when a form submission navigates the user to a different web page
- define a variety of form validations for different input fields
- identify operations which run asynchronously in your JavaScript application
- use promises to chain the execution of two functions where one depends on the results returned by the other
- define a function making multiple asynchronous function calls using the async/await syntax
- use the fetch function to asynchronously retrieve an image file and relate it to the XMLHttpRequest of AJAX
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Form validation is a common use case for JavaScript. Explore some of the basic steps involved in this process, including an overview of asynchronous programming and the use of Promises to handle such code.
JavaScript: Functions & Arrays in JavaScript
JavaScript: Functions & Arrays in JavaScript
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- define basic functions and invoke them in JavaScript
- recognize how the var, let, and const keywords affect the accessibility of variables in JavaScript functions
- distinguish between the var and let keywords when it comes to the scope of JavaScript variables
- define functions using the concise syntax available in the ES6 specifications for JavaScript, including the use of arrow functions
- manage errors in your application, whether they are raised by JavaScript or by your own logic using try, catch, and finally blocks
- create arrays and access and iterate over their elements
- use the rest parameter syntax to create functions with an undefined number of parameters
- use the spread operator to expand the contents of arrays
- break down and access the components of arrays with array destructuring
- generate deep and shallow copies of arrays and add and remove array elements
- insert elements into the middle of arrays using splice and create slices of arrays using the slice method
- use the concat method to combine the contents of arrays and arrange array elements using the sort and reverse methods
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Discover the different ways to define and use functions in JavaScript, where they are considered first-class members. Explore the features of arrays in JavaScript, as well as their role in functions. Error handling fundamentals, rest parameters, and global and local variables are also covered.
JavaScript: Introduction
JavaScript: Introduction
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- recognize where JavaScript fits within a larger web application involving HTML and CSS
- describe how browsers render web pages as a structured DOM
- list the high-level properties of the JavaScript programming language
- identify the properties and features around arrays and functions in JavaScript
- recall what an object is JavaScript and how it is represented
- identify some of the quirks of the JavaScript language which distinguish it from most other high-level languages
- recognize what closures are in JavaScript and what is included within this construct
- describe how common attributes of a set of objects can be defined with in a prototype for those objects
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Explore the basic JavaScript concepts including concepts involved in the programming language, the features which distinguish it from other languages, and its applications.
JavaScript: Objects
JavaScript: Objects
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- create objects containing different types of data and functions, and access their properties
- initialize an empty object and add/remove properties to/from that object
- recognize the role of the "this" keyword within the scope of a JavaScript object
- use the call method to link a JavaScript object to a function call
- implement an object constructor and use it to instantiate new objects
- use the assignment operator and the Object.assign() method to create new objects
- use the spread syntax and the JSON object to create new objects
- identify a number of object methods to access the keys and values of an object
- prevent changes from being made to an object by freezing it
- create a new array by performing an operation on the elements on an existing one using the map() method
- perform aggregate and filter operations on the contents of an array using the reduce() and filter() methods
- check the type of an object using the instanceOf operator
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Given JavaScript is an object-oriented language, objects are a crucial topic for any student. Explore topics ranging from object definitions to object methods and constructors while also touching upon what a "class" is in JavaScript.
JavaScript: Types, Operators, & Control Structures in JavaScript
JavaScript: Types, Operators, & Control Structures in JavaScript
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- describe multiple ways to declare and manipulate numerical data in JavaScript
- initialize and manipulate JavaScript strings using different techniques
- use in-built string operations to analyze and modify string types
- create and manage date types in JavaScript
- use the constants, methods, and random number generators available in the JavaScript Math library
- apply the basic operators on numbers and strings
- perform logical tests using if statements and conditional operators
- convert data from one primitive type to another
- create while, do-while, and for loops in JavaScript
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Explore features of primitive data types in JavaScript such as numbers, strings, and booleans. Examine the methods, operators, and control structures available to work with them.
JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events
JavaScript: Working with the DOM & Events
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- use the document object to retrieve individual elements of your web page and access their values and properties
- alter the contents of a web page by modifying its DOM
- retrieve the children of elements of your web page as an array
- insert new elements into your web page by adding nodes to the DOM structure
- delete or replace existing nodes in the DOM of your web page
- write a function to generate an animation by periodically updating the DOM of your web page
- define event listeners and handlers for clicks on a web page button
- create handlers for the events of users clicking on a button and for modifying the contents of a text box
- define handlers for mouse events on elements of your web page
- use the screen, window, and navigator objects of the BOM to get information about the end user's environment
- use the window object to interact with the end user's browser
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Explore the different features available in JavaScript to manipulate elements of your web page using its DOM structure and to listen for an respond to events. Also examine how JavaScript can interact with the browser of the end user using the BOM.
JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript Programming
JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript Programming
- discover the key concepts covered in this course
- create a simple JavaScript app that writes a message to an HTML page
- recognize how JavaScript can be used to communicate with end users via the HTML page, alerts, and log messages
- link a HTML page with a separately defined JavaScript source file
- edit sections of a HTML page using JavaScript and initialize number and string variables
- identify the changes in behavior of a JavaScript app when Strict mode is enabled
- distinguish between the var, let, and const keywords when declaring variables
- differentiate variables that are undefined from those whose values are null
- use the alert, prompt, and confirm functions to relay information to and receive input from end users
- summarize the key concepts covered in this course
Familiarize yourself with how to use JavaScript in conjunction with HTML pages. Explore different types of variable declarations in the language and ways in which JavaScript web apps can relay info to and receive info from end users.